- From: George Kerscher <kerscher@montana.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2017 16:04:06 -0600
- To: "'Bill McCoy'" <bmccoy@w3.org>, "'Ivan Herman'" <ivan@w3.org>, "'Mike Baker'" <mike.baker@hmhco.com>
- Cc: "'Garth Conboy'" <garth@google.com>, "'W3C Publishing Steering Committee'" <public-publishing-sc@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <002a01d2a67c$e6f0ec30$b4d2c490$@montana.com>
Hi, Regarding Apple, I briefly met with Sarah Herrlinger at the CSUN conference. She said that if I needed any help, I should feel free to reach out to her. So, I would expect that the iBooks folks we know, Sarah Herrlinger and the Apple AC rep would be good people to talk with. Also, I think Richard Schwerdtfeger, who has retired from IBM and is still very involved with W3C working groups could be a good person we might turn to for guidance. Thoughts? Best George From: Bill McCoy [mailto:bmccoy@w3.org] Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2017 8:48 AM To: 'Ivan Herman' <ivan@w3.org>; 'Mike Baker' <mike.baker@hmhco.com> Cc: 'Garth Conboy' <garth@google.com>; 'W3C Publishing Steering Committee' <public-publishing-sc@w3.org> Subject: RE: Browser outreach? I agree with Ivan. I am a bit concerned that we not focus so much with Microsoft on the Web Publications future work that they get dismayed that EPUB 3 is near EOL just as they are beginning to support it. Certainly Michael Champion understands the timeline of W3C activities but other MSFT folks may not. So I trust Ivan and others on this call will balance things and ensure that as Ivan says we make them aware of the time pressure on the WG charter and hopefully get them involved, while also making sure they understand that we want to help them with their implementation of EPUB 3 and ideally encourage expanded use (again Bing search-engine indexing and especially Word export of EPUB 3 – something Microsoft already implemented and demoed to IDPF/DAISY over two years but never shipped! – would be major steps forward). And another reason to push on this now is that Microsoft is not only influential due to their being one of the 4 major browser vendors, but because they were a significant historical contributor to EPUB who did not sign the RF commitment yet, suggesting they would do as part of participating in the new WG since this is MSFT’s normal process for engaging on IPRs with W3C. If Microsoft doesn’t participate in the WG then it will make Jeff and others unhappy. So really I think the bar here is not just to get them comfortable with the charter but to get them to commit to definitely be in the WG. Whoever’s on the call can feel free to channel from my email to PBG yesterday (that had nothing to do with Microsoft, FYI it was stimulated by some comments I got from Japan participants… where we have a very large cohort of TPI-eligible former IDPF members who haven’t signed up yet). --Bill From: Ivan Herman [mailto:ivan@w3.org] Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2017 1:17 AM To: Mike Baker <mike.baker@hmhco.com <mailto:mike.baker@hmhco.com> > Cc: Bill McCoy <bmccoy@w3.org <mailto:bmccoy@w3.org> >; Garth Conboy <garth@google.com <mailto:garth@google.com> >; W3C Publishing Steering Committee <public-publishing-sc@w3.org <mailto:public-publishing-sc@w3.org> > Subject: Re: Browser outreach? On 25 Mar 2017, at 09:14, Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org <mailto:ivan@w3.org> > wrote: On 25 Mar 2017, at 02:06, Baker, Mike (Dublin) <mike.baker@hmhco.com <mailto:mike.baker@hmhco.com> > wrote: Hi Bill I don’t mind pushing out until you get back. If no one has any objections to that I would like to have you Bill in the original meeting also. Well… with all my love to Bill (and I think Bill will agree with what I am about to say) we have a time pressure. In the case Microsoft comes with some substantial comments, we have to deal with those and if we are not careful that can jeopardize our timing. To make things worse, I will also be out for a week (I will be in Australia) and, though I can of course work in an async manner, there is no way I can be on a call either. So… I believe we should try to have this call the coming week (before Friday, because I will already be on my way down under on Friday) if this is at all possible. I would also love to have Garth on the call, but that may not work out due to the time differences. Oops, that would not work either, Garth is on vacations this coming week! Ivan In fact, the main goal of the call would really be to draw attention on what is happening, and convince them that a participation in the process would be great. I do not expect them to give us substantial comments on the charter on that call; the real goal is to start the process which can then process asynchronously. Thanks! Ivan Mike From: Bill McCoy < <mailto:bmccoy@w3.org> bmccoy@w3.org> Organization: W3C Date: Friday 24 March 2017 at 17:51 To: 'Ivan Herman' < <mailto:ivan@w3.org> ivan@w3.org>, "Baker, Mike (Dublin)" < <mailto:mike.baker@hmhco.com> mike.baker@hmhco.com> Cc: 'Garth Conboy' < <mailto:garth@google.com> garth@google.com>, 'W3C Publishing Steering Committee' < <mailto:public-publishing-sc@w3.org> public-publishing-sc@w3.org> Subject: RE: Browser outreach? This message originated from outside your organization _____ Hi Mike and all, I think it would be good to proceed to have a call with Microsoft; however, I’m on vacation the next 2 weeks with limited access so I will defer to you all to work with Ivan about it. I would hope to have a chance to follow up in person in Redmond at some point later on since I’m local. Also there are issues (use of Readium software by Microsoft, getting EPUB 3 to be indexed by Bing search engine, EPUB 3 export as a MS Word feature) that may not be in scope for the initial discussion about their current work and introducing them and hopefully getting them to commit to being involved in the new WG work kicking off for Web Publications. If you want to include EDRLab CTO Laurent Le Meur that could be useful, he’s based in Paris. I’ll stay tuned to hear what happens and follow up as appropriate. I’m back in the office starting April 11 with pretty open calendar the next 2 weeks after that so feel free to sign me up for anything. --Bill From: Ivan Herman [ <mailto:ivan@w3.org> mailto:ivan@w3.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 10:56 AM To: Baker, Mike (Dublin) < <mailto:mike.baker@hmhco.com> mike.baker@hmhco.com> Cc: Garth Conboy < <mailto:garth@google.com> garth@google.com>; Bill McCoy < <mailto:bmccoy@w3.org> bmccoy@w3.org>; W3C Publishing Steering Committee < <mailto:public-publishing-sc@w3.org> public-publishing-sc@w3.org> Subject: Re: Browser outreach? Thanks Mike. I would leave it to Bill on how to proceed. I am on Paris time. However, I would prefer to avoid evening calls, ie, I would not like to go beyond 8pm my time, and I really would prefer earlier... I don't know whether we will have an IG call. If not, that slot might be o.k. Ivan --- Ivan Herman <tel:+31> Tel:+31 641044153 <http://www.ivan-herman.net/> http://www.ivan-herman.net (Written on mobile, sorry for brevity and misspellings...) On 21 Mar 2017, at 18:07, Baker, Mike (Dublin) < <mailto:mike.baker@hmhco.com> mike.baker@hmhco.com> wrote: Microsoft are willing to have a call, I was going to setup a call for early next week if that suits for a demo and introductions. Should I go ahead and set something up? They are based on Redmond and Paris so there are limited timeslots that work. Mike From: Garth Conboy < <mailto:garth@google.com> garth@google.com> Date: Tuesday 21 March 2017 at 17:04 To: "Baker, Mike (Dublin)" < <mailto:mike.baker@hmhco.com> mike.baker@hmhco.com> Cc: Bill McCoy < <mailto:bmccoy@w3.org> bmccoy@w3.org>, Ivan Herman < <mailto:ivan@w3.org> ivan@w3.org>, W3C Publishing Steering Committee < <mailto:public-publishing-sc@w3.org> public-publishing-sc@w3.org> Subject: Re: Browser outreach? This message originated from outside your organization _____ Hi Folks, I've done two internal reach-outs -- one just sent now with a particular call-out to the Chrome standards team. Best, Garth On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:37 AM, Baker, Mike (Dublin) < <mailto:mike.baker@hmhco.com> mike.baker@hmhco.com> wrote: I have the contacts from the Microsoft Paris team, but don’t want to step on toes, so if you BillM want you or Laurent to be the point of contact I am ok with either. I am just awaiting confirmation before sharing the details. They have a great team working on it. Mike From: Bill McCoy < <mailto:bmccoy@w3.org> bmccoy@w3.org> Organization: W3C Date: Tuesday 21 March 2017 at 16:02 To: 'Ivan Herman' < <mailto:ivan@w3.org> ivan@w3.org>, 'W3C Publishing Steering Committee' < <mailto:public-publishing-sc@w3.org> public-publishing-sc@w3.org> Subject: RE: Browser outreach? Resent-From: < <mailto:public-publishing-sc@w3.org> public-publishing-sc@w3.org> Resent-Date: Tuesday 21 March 2017 at 16:04 This message originated from outside your organization _____ I have followed up further with Microsoft and it turns out the EPUB dev and strategy team for Edge is in Paris France (who knew !?) anyway the leadership of that group will come to Redmond in June and I expect to meet with them then, meanwhile I am working to get them connected to Laurent Le Meur in EDRLab Paris. Ivan I will loop you into this as well. --Bill From: Ivan Herman [mailto: <mailto:ivan@w3.org> ivan@w3.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 2:06 AM To: W3C Publishing Steering Committee < <mailto:public-publishing-sc@w3.org> public-publishing-sc@w3.org> Subject: Browser outreach? Guys, the only (but major) missing bit on the WG charter is to reach out to browser people to see if they have significant input. We must have that before we send the charter officially to W3M. AFAIK, we said that BillM would outreach to Microsoft/Edge (with some additional addresses coming from Mike Baker), that BillM may also have the right contacts at Mozilla (although, based on the issue raised by David Baron & Tantek, it seems that they have already looked at the charter, so it may not be that crucial), and that Garth would contact the Chrome team. I do not remember whether we have any direct access to the Safari team @Apple. Just bugging you, that is all… Ivan ---- Ivan Herman, W3C Publishing@W3C Technical Lead Home: <http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/> http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/ mobile: <tel:+31%206%2041044153> +31-641044153 ORCID ID: <http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0782-2704> http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0782-2704 ---- Ivan Herman, W3C Publishing@W3C Technical Lead Home: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/ mobile: +31-641044153 ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0782-2704 ---- Ivan Herman, W3C Publishing@W3C Technical Lead Home: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/ mobile: +31-641044153 ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0782-2704
Received on Sunday, 26 March 2017 22:04:56 UTC