About formal objections to the PWG Charter

I've been reading through Daniel Glazman's comment on the charter [1],
as well as the subsequent email thread started by Garth [2]

I think the underlying concern is about how constrained the Publishing
Working Group will be by the charter, by the Web Publications and UCR
documents, and by the Publishing Business Group itself. Working groups
exist to make the technical decisions necessary for a standard, but
this case is unusual because of DPUB's prior work, and the new
structures imposed by the IDPF combination.

I think there's also some concern about the multiple profiles of web
publications being talked about. Why we need WP, PWP, *and* EPUB4 as
separate specifications is perhaps not obvious, both to those who
haven't followed the discussions, and to some that have.

Perhaps we can communicate that the DPUB documents are non-normative,
only serve as inputs to the PWG, and that the PWG will have the final
say on technical matters. Keep in mind that the new WG may have a
broader spectrum of members, and a different consensus may be found
than in DPUB.


[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-forum/2017AprJun/0031.html

[2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishingbg/2017Apr/0022.html

Received on Thursday, 20 April 2017 01:55:51 UTC