FW: Learn how to expand your audience with audiobooks!

From: BISG [mailto:info@bisg.org] 
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 8:34 AM
To: kerscher@montana.com
Subject: Learn how to expand your audience with audiobooks!
Join us on April 21st for The Evolution of Delivery





Expand your audience with audiobooks!


Join Michele Cobb, executive director of Audio Publishers Association, at BISG's  <https://t.e2ma.net/click/cj3rh/c7pl6r/834jjc> The Evolution of Delivery on April 21st to learn about how audiobook sales are continuing to grow at an exceptional rate. Learn about the trends and how the audio format of your content can help you reach more readers.   

About Michele Cobb
Michele Cobb is a recognized for her expertise in the audio publishing industry. She began her audiobook career as Assistant Managing Director for L.A. Theatre Works and went on to become Vice President of Sales & Marketing for BBC Audiobooks America/AudioGO. She has served on the Audio Publishers Association (APA) board since 2001 as a director and officer, and is currently Executive Director. A well-known provider of PR, Sales, Marketing and Business Development services through her company Fortè Business Consultants, she is also Publisher of both AudioFile Magazine and MMB Media LLC.  

 <https://t.e2ma.net/click/cj3rh/c7pl6r/ow5jjc> Register for MIP now! 


Special thanks to our sponsor


Check out our full line up of The Evolution of Delivery speakers  <https://t.e2ma.net/click/cj3rh/c7pl6r/4o6jjc> here! 

 <https://t.e2ma.net/click/cj3rh/c7pl6r/kh7jjc> Grab a ticket! 

646-336-7141 // bisg.org // info@bisg.org

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Received on Friday, 14 April 2017 15:27:54 UTC