Re: [pwg] VOTE: Publish update to LPF note


On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 1:12 PM Franco Alvarado <> wrote:

> +1
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 3:14 PM Bill Kasdorf <>
> wrote:
>> +1
>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 1:23 PM Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <
>>> wrote:
>>> +1
>>> Cristina
>>> *Da: *Laurent Le Meur <>
>>> *Data: *lunedì 16 marzo 2020 18:21
>>> *A: *"Reid, Wendy" <>
>>> *Cc: *"" <>
>>> *Oggetto: *Re: [pwg] VOTE: Publish update to LPF note
>>> *Rinviato da: *<>
>>> *Data rinvio: *lunedì 16 marzo 2020 18:21
>>> +1
>>> Laurent
>>> Le 16 mars 2020 à 18:09, Reid, Wendy <> a écrit :
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I hope you are all doing well, and staying safe and healthy wherever you
>>> are.
>>> Some updates have been made recently to the LPF note
>>> <> in response to review
>>> from IANA, and we would like to publish the latest revisions for public
>>> review. *Please reply to this email with a +1 to publish, 0 if you are
>>> neutral, or -1 if you oppose the changes.*
>>> In addition to publishing these changes to LPF, there will also be new
>>> updates going out for Publication Manifest and Audiobooks to address
>>> feedback and issues that have been raised, all editorial.
>>> The changes to LPF are:
>>> Modifications done in section A
>>> -- Required Parameters: None -> N/A
>>> -- Optional Parameters: None -> N/A
>>> -- Encoding considerations:
>>> from
>>>         LPF files are binary files encoded in the application/zip media
>>> type.
>>> to
>>>         LPF files are binary files in ZIP format.
>>> Note: now as in,
>>> was before as in
>>> -- Security considerations:
>>> new wording, explicit mention of executables.
>>> "In addition, because of the various content types that can be embedded
>>> in LPF files, <code>application/lpf+zip</code> may describe content that
>>> poses security issues, e.g. malicious executable content deliberately
>>> included in the package. However, only in cases where the user agent
>>> recognizes and processes the additional content, or where further
>>> processing of that content is dispatched to other user agents, would
>>> security issues potentially arise. In such cases, matters of security would
>>> fall outside the domain of this registration document."
>>> -- Magic number(s):
>>> Suppression of the notion of offset in the notation:
>>> <p>0: <code>PK 0x03 0x04</code></p>
>>> becomes
>>> <p><code>PK 0x03 0x04</code></p>
>>> If there are any questions or issues, please feel free to contact the
>>> chairs and Laurent, or post an issue on the LPF GitHub
>>> <>repository.
>>> Thanks,
>>> PWG Chairs
>>> ------------------------------
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>> --
>> *Bill Kasdorf*
>> *Principal, Kasdorf & Associates, LLC*
>> *Founding Partner, Publishing Technology Partners
>> <>*
>> +1 734-904-6252 <(734)%20904-6252>
>> ISNI:
>> ORCiD:
>> <>
> --
> Franco A. Alvarado | Senior Content Standards Project Manager
> Macmillan Learning
> *Slack:* @Franco | Phone: 617.399.4512 <(617)%20399-4512>
> Pronouns | (he/him/his)
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> Thursdays at 2 pm ET / ‪+1 401-552-4135 <(401)%20552-4135>‬ PIN: ‪620
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Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2020 04:08:00 UTC