EPUB3 WG is now official!

Hello everyone,

Good news! The EPUB3 WG is now official, special thanks to those AC reps and those who bugged their AC reps to vote, we received a really positive response.

I wanted to share the links to the group home page and join link so that anyone in this group interested in joining can do so. I hope to see many familiar faces!

Link to Join:


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the chairs mailing list: group-epub-wg-chairs@w3.org<mailto:group-epub-wg-chairs@w3.org> (the chairs for this group will be myself, Dave Cramer, and Shinya Takami, and Ivan is staying with us as team contact!).

Have a great weekend!


Received on Friday, 14 August 2020 18:02:10 UTC