Audiobooks: testing UA behavior

Hi Wendy, 

I'm looking at <>

What surprises me is that there are no test audiobooks (packaged) to check this behaviors. My samples are made out of Librivox content (large) or very short musical tracks. 

Do you have samples we could put online that are made of
- short voice tracks with open licensing
- one sample with a manifest only (no ToC nor PEP)
- one sample with a manifest, a ToC but no PEP
- one sample with a manifest, a ToC and a PEP
- one sample with a PEP including the manifest and a ToC

Such samples would help ua testers a lot. I can help creating them, I just miss the proper voice tracks. 

Best regards

Laurent Le Meur

Received on Monday, 27 April 2020 17:13:44 UTC