Fwd: October 2019 BIC Breakfast, October 9th, 2019 (Sponsor's Event)

This is really excellent timing! Thought you'd be interested in knowing
about it.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Naomi Yoshizawa <naomi@w3.org>
Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 11:22 AM
Subject: October 2019 BIC Breakfast, October 9th, 2019 (Sponsor's Event)
To: <w3c-ac-forum@w3.org>

Dear Advisory Committee Representative,

W3C is pleased to introduce the Sponsor's Event, BIC (Book Industry
Communication) Breakfast, held in London, England, on October 9th, 2019.

   October 2019 BIC Breakfast
   October 9th, 2019 from 9:00 -10:30am (BST)
   60 Threadneedle Street
   EC2R 8HP London
   United Kingdom

Please use the following link to register;

J. Alan Bird, W3C Global Business Development Leader, will participate in a
panel talking about the need for standardization in the Digital Publishing
area at "Listen Up! Understanding the Digital Audiobook Supply Chain" with
other four panelists from Pan Macmillan, Gardners, W.F. Howes, and Rakuten

Information from the organizer
Since 2014 there has been a steady increase in digital and physical
audiobook purchases. In 2018, Nielsen Book reported that audiobook
purchases have increased 12% year-on-year (as of 2014), with 37% of
consumers subscribing to an audiobook service and 65% choosing to listen to
audiobooks on their smartphones*. Yet, despite audiobooks’ growing
popularity, the audiobook supply chain remains somewhat unclear to many
within the book industry. How exactly are audiobooks produced; which
organizations are involved in the supply chain; what standards exist to
facilitate their creation and distribution; how do audiobooks reach the
end-consumer; and what does the end-consumer / platform want to know about
the product?

This BIC Breakfast will be of interest to all publishers, booksellers,
audiobook platforms / vendors, distributors and intermediaries, audiobook
production teams, data aggregators, systems vendors and many more.

Best regards,


Naomi Yoshizawa, W3C Marketing & Communications
Keio University, 5322 Endo, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 252-0882 Japan +813-3516-2504

*Bill Kasdorf*
*Principal, Kasdorf & Associates, LLC*

*Founding Partner, Publishing Technology Partners
+1 734-904-6252

ISNI: http://isni.org/isni/0000000116490786
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7002-4786

Received on Wednesday, 4 September 2019 15:43:46 UTC