Re: Smart people write about packaging

Hi Dave,

Thanks for these two links.

I find both arguments very compelling. And I have to say that after having originally been very much in favour of Web Packaging as a standard I have come around to Mozilla’s position. Web Packages look like a vehicle for furthering the power and hold that aggregators like Google have over the web and the damage that would cause is very likely to far outweigh the potential benefits.

- best
- Baldur Bjarnason

> On 28 May 2019, at 15:44, Dave Cramer <> wrote:
> Hi PWGers,
> As we discuss packaging in our small corner of the world, I think it's useful to know something of what the larger web world is saying about packaging. We would do well to understand that packaging is not just a technology, but helps determine what is possible socially and economically. 
> Enjoy!
> [1] Andrew Betts on portals, packaging, and amp:
> [2] Mozilla on packaging (written as a position paper for the upcoming IAB workshop):

Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 20:16:56 UTC