This looks very old : “This page was last modified on 16 November 2011, at 21:09.“
To my partial knowledge, I think the library community is very active in standardizing vocabularies.
De : Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>
Date : jeudi 4 juillet 2019 à 06:14
À : W3C Publishing Working Group <public-publ-wg@w3.org>, Jeremy Morse <jgmorse@umich.edu>, Maurice York <mcyork@umich.edu>
Cc : Karen L Myers <karen@w3.org>
Objet : Maybe of interest: “Library terminology informally explained”
Renvoyer - De : <public-publ-wg@w3.org>
Renvoyer - Date : jeudi 4 juillet 2019 à 06:13
As part of some discussions, we stumbled on a document produced by a former W3C group related to libraries:
It is a list of library terms explained for non-librarians. I guess many of you know these terms already, but some may not and may be interested to have this type of information around…
P.S. This is a Wiki… ie, if there are necessary changes, it can be done!
Ivan Herman
World Wide Web Consortium
Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
ORCID: 0000-0003-0782-2704