Re: [PWG] 20180521 Agenda

Regrets for due to traveling.


2018-05-18 8:28 GMT+02:00 Garth Conboy <>:

> Hello PWG Folks,
> Below is the draft agenda for next week's WG conference call, to be held
> at the usual day and time [0].
> *We have switched from WebEx to GoToMeeting!  Here's the page for the new
> dial-in information
> <> [1].*
> If you are new to this group, learn the tricks on the newbie page
> <> [2].  See
> also the Publishing WG home page
> <> [3].
> Please let us know if you are able to scribe. Please join the call via
> GoToMeeting [1] and join IRC [13] for live chat & minutes (IRC channel
> *#pwg*).
> *Agenda:*
>    - *Approve minutes [4]*
>    - *F2F Agenda [7] and poll about dietary restrictions [8]*
>    - *F2F Wed night dinner at [9] (pass the hat)*
>       - *Dinner sign up list [9.1] *
>    - *Resolve "**What is the Browsing Context of a Web Publication?" [5]*
>       - *Proposed resolution: A WP definition does not specify whether
>       the content is rendered in a Progressive Web App, in the browser directly
>       or via an extension, or in a separate app (or whatever else).  Therefore we
>       propose to close this issue with the answer to the original question (i.e.,
>       “What is the Browsing Context of a Web Publication?”) by saying “whatever
>       the implementation chooses it to be.” Which is, by default, just the
>       context of the “entry point”.  Further propose to alter the current draft
>       to remove the reference to "Publication Context."*
>    - *Resolve "Is it acceptable to use HTML for the serialization of some
>    infoset items, or should it all be in separate (JSON) file?" [9.2] *
>       - *Proposed resolution: The infoset mostly resides within a JSON
>       manifest (WP manifest). That JSON may optionally be embedded in the entry
>       page rather than a standalone file referenced by <link> from the entry
>       page.  It may be supported to allow some infoset items to reside in HTML of
>       the entry page, if information duplication issues can be sufficiently
>       avoided.*
>    - *Resolve "To WAM or not to WAM?" direction*
>       - *Proposed resolution: Publications, as specified here, are not
>       necessarily Progressive Web Applications. On the other hand, WAM is tightly
>       coupled to a Progressive Web Applications, thus,, we will not require the
>       usage of the WAM and our specification should not be dependent on it. The
>       WP Manifest should be specified independently of the WAM. Of course, a
>       particular WP may be rendered via a PWA, and therefore use a WAM, but that
>       is orthogonal to this specification.*
>    - *Offline discussion continued, time permitting*
>    - *A WP MUST or MAY be "offline-able" or "package-able"?*
>    - *Gaps from "classic" EPUB (continued) [6]*
>       - *Hadrien's list; create issues *
>       - *Should go where? WP, PWP/EPUB4*
>       - *In what section?  Infoset, lifecycle, navigation, et al*
>    - *Other business (or frivolity)*
> [0]
> msg=PWG&iso=20180521T12&p1=43
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Meetings/Minutes/2018/2018-05-07-pwg.html
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> UCy8bFw4D4VN0si1Q5EPW9c-rY/edit?usp=sharing
> [8] - please respond only if you
> are attending F2F in person
> [9]
> [9.1]
> UCy8bFw4D4VN0si1Q5EPW9c-rY/edit#heading=h.wxsg3gz7h6ps
> [9.2]
> -------------------------------------------------
> To join this teleconference, use the following logistics:
> GoToMeeting [10].  To mute/unmute your line press "*6".
> Join chat and minutes on IRC/Zakim (see below)
> We will also use an IRC channel to minute the discussions:
> Address:  (channel #pwg)
> Available ports (choose one): 6667, 6665, 21 IRC channel: #pwg See how to
> connect [11] using an IRC client [12] or our web interface [13] User
> Instructions for Zakim [14].
>  To place yourself on the speaker queue ('q+' in irc) press 41# (Handup).
>  Unqueue ('q-' in irc) is 40#.
> -------------------------------------------------
> [10]
> [11]
> [13]
> [13]
> [14]

Received on Friday, 18 May 2018 06:39:38 UTC