Wide review: Accessible Name and Description Computation

The ARIA WG has published a wide review draft of Accessible Name and 
Description Computation 1.1:


This document describes how user agents determine the names and 
descriptions of accessible objects, where information comprising that 
name can come from various characteristics of the content, in order to 
lead to a consistent result across implementations. The document 
previously included Accessibility API Mappings, which have been moved to 
Core Accessibility API Mappings, so this document only describes the 
procedure to determine accessible name and description, not how to 
expose it.

The ARIA WG hopes to advance this specification to Candidate 
Recommendation soon. Please submit comments within the next few weeks; 
to comment, file an issue at https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/. If 
this is not feasible, send email to public-aria@w3.org.

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2018 14:24:20 UTC