Re: [pwg] 2018-03-12 Minutes

Thanks Tzviya

Was struggling with my microphone during the meeting, apologize. At last mins found a working one 😊

About MathML support I just added comment to #72

The reason I was hoping this WG could lead some work to let UA support MathML is

  1.  Better support needs a leader from spec perspective. It's not just a implementation problem of UA (don't think fundraising of implementation could easily resolve this problem) It need spec change to let UA easily adapt it to UA software design.
  2.  About community group ( I am not sure how much will CP effect on both spec and UA implementation. And it seems on halt (

What I hope our WG (including me) can do is

  1.  conversation with UA to see what's problem preventing from UA to implement MathML
  2.  create some task force or maybe investigation report at first to tackle Mathimetics support of UA

As vendor of reading system we have seen so many publishers provided us a large amount of content with MathML and many publishers asked us for MathML support situation of UA. I wanted to emphasis that there is a big amount of epub currently using MathML or need mathematics support of reading system. And currently the option we have such as MathJax could not satisfy requirement especially performance.



From: Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken <>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 2:37:26 PM
To: W3C Publishing Working Group
Subject: [pwg] 2018-03-12 Minutes

Hi All,




Tzviya Siegman

Information Standards Lead



Received on Monday, 12 March 2018 19:01:28 UTC