Re: Some options for vertically-scrollable manga (was re: Dropbox has epub viewer)

On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 at 08:57, Hadrien Gardeur <>
> Multiple HTML files, rendition:layout=pre-paginated,
>  rendition:flow=scrolled-continuous
> Pros
> Semantically, this might be the best approach for EPUB

Actually, note that strictly-speaking:
If a Reading Systems supports the rendition:layout property, it must ignore
the rendition:flow property when it has been set on a spine item that also
specifies the rendition:layout value pre-paginated.

Crucially, note that in Readium fixed-layout documents *can* in fact be
presented in a scrolling fashion (contrary to the specification) at an
individual level or continuously. Users can force this presentation mode if
they want to, even when there is no authored metadata. This is particularly
useful for a typical PDF / A4 / US-Letter layout (i.e. page aspect ratio =
portrait, vertical scrolling viewport of contiguous FXL documents).


Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2018 09:41:00 UTC