- From: White, Jason J <jjwhite@ets.org>
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 18:13:22 +0000
- To: "Siegman, Tzviya" <tsiegman@wiley.com>, W3C Publishing Working Group <public-publ-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <133CBC01-D305-4C17-AD6C-175869337A71@ets.org>
Is there a link to that bug? Unfortunately, I’ve lost track of what it was. From: "Siegman, Tzviya" <tsiegman@wiley.com> Date: Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 13:23 To: W3C Publishing Working Group <public-publ-wg@w3.org> Subject: FW: WAI-ARIA 1.2, Core-AAM 1.2, and ARIA Practices 1.2 First Public Working Drafts Resent-From: <public-publ-wg@w3.org> Resent-Date: Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 13:23 FYI (and for those keeping tabs, this draft does not address the bug that we need solved for DPUB-ARIA) Tzviya Siegman Information Standards Lead Wiley 201-748-6884 tsiegman@wiley.com<mailto:tsiegman@wiley.com> From: Michael Cooper [mailto:cooper@w3.org] Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018 1:04 PM To: WAI IG <w3c-wai-ig@w3.org> Cc: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs@igalia.com>; James Nurthen <nurthen@adobe.com> Subject: WAI-ARIA 1.2, Core-AAM 1.2, and ARIA Practices 1.2 First Public Working Drafts The Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group has published First Public Working Drafts of: * Accessible Rich Internet Applications 1.2 - https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.2/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2Fwai-aria-1.2%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjjwhite%40ets.org%7Cc44b6042553140ac330708d5ed9c515b%7C0ba6e9b760b34fae92f37e6ddd9e9b65%7C0%7C0%7C636676177991514893&sdata=GqxbEYlF%2B5S5zUUBpVkPXcAoYacBkSOdfqYLgxGNIYU%3D&reserved=0> * Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.2 - https://www.w3.org/TR/core-aam-1.2/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2Fcore-aam-1.2%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjjwhite%40ets.org%7Cc44b6042553140ac330708d5ed9c515b%7C0ba6e9b760b34fae92f37e6ddd9e9b65%7C0%7C0%7C636676177991514893&sdata=RhUm0YPAxI5jRetP5pBqPvhnbCw9dTxUvz9D5AeOTY8%3D&reserved=0> * WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.2 - https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.2/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2Fwai-aria-practices-1.2%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjjwhite%40ets.org%7Cc44b6042553140ac330708d5ed9c515b%7C0ba6e9b760b34fae92f37e6ddd9e9b65%7C0%7C0%7C636676177991514893&sdata=jC8cn%2FnIZ9JW%2BGc20PT3c7myGpLpLs5XF1ZKXal39oo%3D&reserved=0> ARIA 1.2 continues development of the technology after ARIA 1.1 was completed in December 2017. This version focuses primarily on providing roles to match features of HTML, which is needed by technologies such as Web Components and Accessible Object Model. Core-AAM 1.2 provides accessibility API mappings for these new roles, and ARIA Practices 1.2 describes recommended authoring patterns for these new roles. More information about plans for development of these documents is in the blog post: https://www.w3.org/blog/2018/07/aria-1.2-fpwd/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2Fblog%2F2018%2F07%2Faria-1.2-fpwd%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjjwhite%40ets.org%7Cc44b6042553140ac330708d5ed9c515b%7C0ba6e9b760b34fae92f37e6ddd9e9b65%7C0%7C0%7C636676177991514893&sdata=hY0e0re3GwJB3gsGTz1CLDKjwF8sbiQDAxjoPsiQSOA%3D&reserved=0> Regards, Joanmarie Diggs, ARIA WG Chair, James Nurthen, ARIA WG Chair, Michael Cooper, ARIA WG W3C Staff Contact ________________________________ This e-mail and any files transmitted with it may contain privileged or confidential information. It is solely for use by the individual for whom it is intended, even if addressed incorrectly. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender; do not disclose, copy, distribute, or take any action in reliance on the contents of this information; and delete it from your system. Any other use of this e-mail is prohibited. Thank you for your compliance. ________________________________
Received on Thursday, 19 July 2018 18:13:58 UTC