On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 6:47 AM Garth Conboy <garth@google.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 6:36 AM, Baldur Bjarnason <baldur@rebus.foundation
> > wrote:
>> If you are storing full requests and responses then surely individual
>> entries can be compressed using gzip encoding much in the same way that
>> most normal requests are compressed?
>> If we have the full range of normal HTTP headers available then I’d be
>> very surprised if, on average, a web package had any entry that wasn’t
>> gzipped individually.
>> Yep -- seems that could/should be the case -- like verification.
I'm anticipating 3 aspects of package/bundle/PWP(/WebZip? ah, naming)
1) When downloading a package, it can be compressed as a whole. It should
not be stored this way, because that loses random access to internal
2) As Baldur suggests, individual resources can be compressed with the
format identified with their Transfer-Encoding headers. When the Brotli
folks get around to proposing shared dictionaries, I expect they'll define
a header that will also let this kind of resource be compressed with a
dictionary that's provided elsewhere in the bundle.
3) The request and response headers should also be compressed using a
shared dictionary. This isn't designed yet, and depending on the average
size of response payloads might not matter for PWP uses, but it's going to
matter for bundling ES6 modules, so it'll get done eventually.