Introducing Ben Walters and Mustapha Lazrek from Microsoft

Hello PWG,

We'd like to introduce ourselves to the mailing list and group.

I'm a software engineering lead at Microsoft based in Paris, France leading the team that builds the native EPUB reading experience in Microsoft Edge. My colleague Mustapha is a program manager at Microsoft also based in Paris. He is part of the team defining Microsoft's strategy and experience for books in Microsoft Edge.

We're passionate about all of the geeky details of publication clients, protocols and formats, we're excited to help define future standards for digital publications. Having built an EPUB client in a web browser, we'd like to offer our perspective on the challenges and opportunities of mixing web technologies and publications. We want to ensure that future recommendations can be widely and correctly adopted by everyone. We'll be focusing on reviewing and contributing to the WPUB, PWP and EPUB4 recommendations.

We won't be able to join the call today, but we'll look forward to joining the working group meetings starting next week.


Received on Monday, 29 January 2018 16:45:21 UTC