> My main problem is not the blank node. I know that many in the LD
> community are up in arms against it, but I may be less sensitive.
> My problem is making owl:sameAs a central aspect of the data; what I
> expect that, in practice, all the linked data that is hanging on that blank
> node will be, essentially, useless in (Linked Data) practice, because tools
> will not reach that data (apart from OWL reasoners and triple stores that
> know how to reason with OWL terms, which is a small minority of the
> usage). My claim is that the current structure produces possibly lots of
> Linked Data that will become totally useless… then why do it?
> A possibility is that _only_ the JSON object in metadata should be
> considered as RDF metadata, and all the rest is ignored. I am not yet sure
> how to achieve that with @context (maybe by using @context only in that
> object, I have to check with the JSON-LD spec).
If we don't care about the default reading order in RDF, then we could
simply remove spine from the default context document.
The Turtle output would then be:
<urn:isbn:978031600000X> a schema:Book ;
schema:author "Herman Melville" ;
schema:dateModified "2015-09-29T17:00:00+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:inLanguage "en" ;
schema:name "Moby-Dick" .