Re: Pursuing the wrong goal? (was Re: A followup/writeup on our Monday discussions (was Re: Continuing discussion on Polyfills))

For a dedicated native or Web app, we can already answer that question:

   - the app will detect the presence of the manifest in the HTML resource
   or its HTTP headers
   - if the current resource is not in the default reading order, it will
   go to the first resource and render it
   - if the current resource is in the default reading order, it will
   render it (or ask the user if they'd like to start the publication from the

We'll build such apps for iOS and Android using Readium-2 in Q1 or Q2 this

For this specific use case, it's easy to describe the scenario. It gets
much much trickier when we're talking about browsers, this is where we have
issues drawing a line.

But maybe we shouldn't be drawling a line in the first place. Instead, I
wish we were spending more time discussing affordances and whether they're
a MUST/SHOULD/MAY. Once we figure this out, we can discuss if a specific
affordance is low-level enough to be part of the Web platform and how to
implement each and everyone of them. They're all different, and I don't
think that we'll find a one size fits all solution.

Received on Friday, 9 February 2018 17:35:38 UTC