> There is nothing stopping me, as a web site owner, from having two links
> on my site - one is a raw link to the content of the publication, the other
> is a link to a web app that will load that publication. If I follow the
> first link and have a WP aware UA, it launches and I have access to all the
> features I want. If I am not WP aware, I just see a web page. If I follow
> the second link, I get that web app regardless of whether my UA is WP aware
> or not. I had been under the impression that the fallback for non-WP aware
> UA was just a basic web page. You can still read the publication, but maybe
> there is no chapter nav, or full search, or whatever, but you can still
> read the thing. Adding this "it's data and an app, but you can strip the
> app if you want to just turn it into data" seems complex and unnecessary.
FWIW that's exactly what I had in mind as well.