[a11y] Agenda for Accessibility TF: Oct 11, at 14:00 UTC

Dear Accessibility Task Force,

The next call of the task force is scheduled on October 11 (Wednesday), time: 14:00 UTC / 4 PM Paris / 10 AM Boston.
Duration is 50 minutes.

The proposed agenda is as follows. And the IRC and dial-in details are provided below.
(Some of us would not be available due to Frankfurt book fare, so the call will be focused on the topic that needs immediate attention)

1.    Preparation of List of publishing requirements for Silver. 
We need to provide the requirements to Silver task force before TPAC, so that we can help in shaping the design. It is little tricky because WP/PWP are at conceptual stage at this time.

Some references:
EPUB Accessibility Conformance & Discovery specification:

DPUB IG note for gap analysis between publishing specific accessibility requirements and WCAG 2.0:

2.    Issue # 78: Audio books and WPub. It is an interesting topic from accessibility perspective, therefore would like to bring it to the notice of the task force.

3. Next call.

4. Any other topic.

IRC: (irc.w3.org
Channel: pwg-a11y
port: 6667

Dial-in details:
Phone: +1-617-324-0000
Meeting number: 317 985 035

If you have not received the password from me yet, please remind me, and I will send it to you.

With regards
Avneesh Singh
COO, DAISY Consortium

Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2017 14:49:33 UTC