Meeting with i18n at TPAC ?

I have been looking at ways of scoping work needed, especially with 
digital publication in mind, for support of the world's languages, and 
some of that may have value for the Latinreq work of the Publishing WG.

Could we schedule some time during TPAC for a mindshare between our two 


Postscript: In the meantime, you may be interested in some prototyping 
work we have done at and 
the few gap analysis sketches that are linked from that page (by 
clicking on language rows where the language name has a link). The 
matrix page uses the same feature divisions as our layout index and the 
associated issue lists. We are considering changing our approach to 
layout requirements work so that we start with an in-depth gap analysis, 
and write up parts of the layout requirements document to complement that.

Received on Friday, 6 October 2017 12:18:05 UTC