[a11y] Agenda for Accessibility TF: Nov 22, at 15:00 UTC

Dear Accessibility Task Force,

The next call of the task force is scheduled on November 22 (Wednesday), time: 15:00 UTC / 4 PM Paris / 10 AM Boston.
Duration is 50 minutes.

The proposed agenda is as follows. And the IRC and dial-in details are provided below.

1.    Update for joint meeting with APA and Silver task force at TPAC. The objective was to discuss the road map for incorporating publishing specific accessibility requirements in future versions of WCAG. The compiled list of requirements is at: 

2.    Update for synchronized multimedia (Media Overlays) related discussions at TPAC, and next steps.

3. Next call.

4. Any other topic.

IRC: (irc.w3.org
Channel: pwg-a11y
port: 6667

Dial-in details:
Phone: +1-617-324-0000
Meeting number: 317 985 035

If you have not received the password from me yet, please remind me, and I will send it to you.

With regards
Avneesh Singh
COO, DAISY Consortium

Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2017 09:22:34 UTC