Re: [admin] Where to file issues?

> On 31 Aug 2017, at 16:00, Dave Cramer < <>> wrote:
> I'm moving the discussion from <> as it's quite meta :)
> Ivan wrote:
> > I wonder whether this issue should not be moved to the publ-wg issues' list. Indeed, some of these affordances may be relevant or may be realizable in a special PWP or EPUB4 environment only.
> I will confess to being utterly confused about where issues should be filed. My understanding was that the publ-wg repo was just for the PWG home page and web presence. At the start of this process, I filed some rather general issues there which would apply to WP/PWP/EPUB4 and was asked to move them to this repo. Then there was the question of what should go in email and what should be a github issue. 

My understanding was that the publ-wg repo was (beyond what you say) about very general issues that are relevant to all of our documents. That is why, back then, I put the issue on URI/URL/IRI there. But I agree it is a bit confusing.

> At this early stage, I'm concerned that we need to at least keep PWP and EPUB4 in mind while designing WP.

I agree.

> And I wonder if a little messiness in the wpub repo is a reasonable price to pay to have everything in one place, and avoid having to make lots of judgment calls. Later in the process, we could migrate certain more specific issues to a PWP or EPUB4 repo. 

O.k., works for me then...

> Perhaps more use of labels in the wpub repo could be helpful in the short term?

We have already put a bunch of labels. I am not sure you can add any, but you know whom to ask to add new ones:-)



> Thanks,
> Dave

Ivan Herman, W3C 
Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
Home: <>
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Thursday, 31 August 2017 14:17:33 UTC