Re: Identifying a book on the Web today

2017-08-04 18:37 GMT+09:00 Hadrien Gardeur <>:

> For PWP the situation is a little bit more complex because the package may
>> be 'elsewhere', ie, not on the Web but, if we regard (which I think is the
>> case) a PWP some sort of a frozen version of a WP through some packaging,
>> then the internal structure of a PWP would 100% reflect its 'exploded' WP
>> ancestry.
>> Bottom line: I do not see the problem. But that may only be me.
> For a PWP that has a WP ancestry, this is fairly easy to handle and we can
> simply references all resources using their URL, no matter the context
> (packaged or not).
> For PWP with no prior WP ancestry, this might be more difficult, but I
> don't think that this is an issue that needs to be addressed now.

I do not think so.  I think that this issue is extremely important for
the unification of EPUB and the Web.  To me, details of manifests
are much less important.


Received on Friday, 4 August 2017 10:34:24 UTC