Re: First meeting -- an update

Hi all,

Last week I sent out an invitation to our first meeting along with a 
Doodle poll to get a sense of date/time.  As I write this, 
Thursdayafternoon (EDT) on July 29 accommodates the most people.  
However, that's based on four respondents.  Even so, I think a meeting 
this week is unlikely.

If you haven't had a chance to vote, please do so.  Also, I hope this 
email will reach those who joined the group after I sent out the 
invitation. The poll is here:

Regarding time zones, I set up the poll to show localized times, but I 
am not sure that worked.  For myself, it shows EDT and probably does for 
others in the Eastern time zone.  But, does it show the proper time for, 
say, PDT?  For example, there are four slots Thu Jul 29, starting at 
1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm and 3:30pm EDT, respectively.  For PDT, do they 
show as 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00 noon, and 12:30pm?  If someone can 
confirm, that would be helpful.


On 2021-07-16 10:07 a.m., Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:
> Good day everyone,
> I would like to schedule a one hour orientation meeting for our 
> community group some time in the next two weeks.  The purpose is to 
> introduce ourselves to one another, describe what this group is about, 
> and provide an overview of the tools available to us for offline 
> discussions, minute taking, issue tracking, and publishing.
> For the first meeting, I will set up a Zoom room and provide you 
> access.  With respect to when, I have set up a Doodle Poll so we can 
> find a time that is convenient for everyone -- please choose times 
> that you are available and we will settle on a date/time when all of 
> us can make it. The url to the poll is:
> Once we have agreed on a time, I will send out an agenda and the 
> coordinates for the call.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Joseph Scheuhammer, Ph.D.
> Inclusive Design Research Centre
> OCAD University
> 205 Richmond St W
> Toronto, ON
> Canada M5V 1V6
> Tel: 416-977-6000 x3960
> Fax: 416-977-9844


'The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen all at once.'
                                - B. Banzai -

Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2021 21:48:20 UTC