Closing down the PROV Working Group


We have now tied up all the loose ends around PROV and will be closing down
the working group.

First, we wanted to thank you for all your hard work over the two year
lifetime of the working group. It's been good working with all of you. The
results speak for themselves. PROV provides a powerful basis for
interchanging provenance on the Web. So thanks!

A special thanks to Ivan Herman and Sandro Hawke for being our staff
contacts at the W3C.

The finalizing of the recommendations is just the start. We know that many
of you have implemented PROV but we encourage you to continue using,
promoting and implementing PROV.  Please share your success stories. The mailing list remains and so share your stories
there. You can also use that mailing list to generically discuss prov and
provenance on the web.

We also encourage you to contribute to the PROV Semantic Web wiki page at:

Again thank you for your participation,

Paul Groth & Luc Moreau
co-chairs W3C Provenance Working Group

Received on Friday, 7 June 2013 11:54:01 UTC