Notes on PROV-XML schema

Here are some notes from a review of the XML schema
Does prov.xsd validate?
xmllint returned errors when trying to parse the schema (see
I think we should move dictionary elements/types into a separate schema (prov-dictionary.xsd?)
This list includes
complexType DictionaryMemberOf
complexType DerivedByInsertionFrom
complexType DerivedByRemovalFrom
complexType Entry
element key
element dictionaryMemberOf
element derivedByInsertionFrom
element derivedByRemovalFrom
Should Person, Organization, SoftwareAgent, Collection be complexTypes?
Should the type of prov:type be xs:QName?
Currently has type xs:AnySimpleType in the schema
so <prov:type>42</prov:type> is legal
as is <prov:type>2001-08-15</prov:type>
and <prov:type>true</prov:type>
It's defined as a Value ( in PROV-DM
A value ◊ is a constant such as a string, number, time, qualified name, IRI, and encoded binary data, whose interpretation is outside the scope of PROV.
I've started an example xml file for Agent based on example 33 from the PROV-DM (

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prov:Agent prov:id="e1" xmlns:prov="" xmlns:ex="">

I think this is correct, but I have been unable to validate it against the schema yet (

I'll look into the schema parsing error and then generate some more example xml serializations and commit them to the repository.


Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 20:10:25 UTC