Re: PROV-ISSUE-459 (prov-constraints-lc-review): PROV-CONSTRAINTS review [prov-dm-constraints]

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Stian Soiland-Reyes
<> wrote:

> However I consider the following as blockers: (see below for details)

> 1) "Applications should also use definitions, inferences and
> constraints to normalize PROV instances in order to determine whether
> two such instances convey the same information." -- NO!

This is ISSUE-464

> 2) "compliant applications use definitions, inferences, and uniqueness
> constraints to normalize PROV instances (..)" -- DELETE

This is ISSUE-464

> 3) Inference rules with existential variables causes infinite loops -
> add note about not recursing on purely existential variables

This is ISSUE-465

> 4) wasDerivedFrom activity and wasAssociatiedWith plan as
> non-existential  - ; causes headaches later on where the plan is
> assumed to exist. -- REWORD later uses

This is ISSUE-452 -

> 5) Do we have WG consensus on that all entities must be invalidated,
> and all activities must terminate? Seems to talk about the future,
> rather than the past.

This is ISSUE-466

> 6) Do we have WG consensus on activity start/end requiring triggers?
> Can an activity terminate itself without a trigger? Start
> instantaneously?

This is ISSUE-467

> 7) Remove inference 12

Not sure if you have an issue for this already..?

> 8) Remove wasStartedByActivity  from figure

This is ISSUE-468

> 9) wasInvalidatedBy strictly follows wasGeneratedBy - do we have WG
> consensus?  OK with zero-length activity? Need light justification.

This is ISSUE-469

> 10) wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1,use,gen) requires use strictly before generation - why?

This is ISSUE-470

> 11) wasAttributedTo constraints WRONG in my view.

This is ISSUE-471

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Received on Monday, 6 August 2012 15:42:15 UTC