Re: PROV-ISSUE-11 (definition-version): Definition for Concept 'Version' [Provenance Terminology]

On 5/20/2011 10:09 AM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> PROV-ISSUE-11 (definition-version): Definition for Concept 'Version' [Provenance Terminology]
> Raised by: Luc Moreau
> On product: Provenance Terminology
> The Provenance WG charter identifies the concept 'Version' as a core concept of the provenance interchange language to be standardized (see
> What term do we adopt for the concept 'Version'?
> How do we define the concept 'Version'?
> Where does concept 'Version' appear in ProvenanceExample?
> Which provenance query requires the concept 'Version'?
> Wiki page:
We have so far regarded "Version" as a bad concept. There is no objective
way to define what differences different versions may have.
"Version" is a fuzzy notion
for one of two or more similar objects with a derivation history between them. It is
a relative concept, and as such does not qualify as class in an ontology, but as relationship:
"is version of".
The fact that there is a derivation processes linking two data sets should
be enough from a Provenance point of view. A "has derivative" link is a deduction
from the process. One might specify which sorts of processes would be regarded to
be allowed for derivations that lead to "versions". Only then we may have a reasonable definition
of "is version of". I regard it however as much too specific for a core Provenance model.



  Dr. Martin Doerr              |  Vox:+30(2810)391625        |
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Received on Monday, 23 May 2011 20:17:56 UTC