Re: concept illustrations for the data journalism example

Iker Huerga wrote:
>> 2.) Processing step 4 says: "analyst (alice) downloads a turtle
>> serialization (lcp1) ..." While I was trying to describe that fact, it
>> felt strange that Alice was the agent/actor that accessed the server.
>> Hence, I would say that Alice cannot download lcp1 directly, she must use
>> an HTTP client software for that. Same for Bob in processing step 8.
>> Should we add that to the example?
> I agree with Olaf, I think that the object of the prv:performedBy 
> propertys should be an HTTP agent, for instance an sparql endpoint in a 
> query scenario.

I don't think that a requirements-elicitation scenario should make specific 
reference to technology used.  (If it's a big dataset, bittorrent might be 
preferred;  and while HTTP is central to the Web, HTTP isn't its only protocol.)

It would be reasonable to frame this as "analyst (alice) uses a software tool to 
download ...", though I'm not convinced this is an important distinction to make 
at this stage.


Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 13:22:12 UTC