Query and access F2F document template

Hello all (and A&Q TF especially),

Yogesh, the WG chairs and I would like to propose a skeleton for the
document that the query and access TF will supply for the F2F1

A key aspect of this document is that, due to the short time before
the meeting, it is deliberately narrow in scope.  As agreed following
Olaf's prior proposals, we want to build on the incubator group
chapter 6, by taking aims and assumptions from that document.
However, we've reduced these to two key questions (suggested by Luc)
for the F2F1:
 1. Given the identity, I, of a resource state representation and a
location, L, from which to retrieve provenance, how do we obtain the
provenance of the representation from the location?
 2. How can a browser find I and L (as above) for an HTML document
that was downloaded, so that its provenance may be retrieved?

Please see the rest of the document skeleton for details:

We welcome any comments on the skeleton structure proposed, including
the scope decided for this document.

One specific request to Graham: you suggested Section 4 of the POWDER
as providing a solution for the above questions (at least with regard
to HTTP, HTML, ATOM). It looks straightforward enough to me what such
a solution would look like (the same as described in the POWDER
proposal but with provenance specific MIME types?), but it would be
very helpful if you could sketch the proposal on the Wiki page as you
understand it best.


Dr Simon Miles
Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Received on Sunday, 5 June 2011 20:12:36 UTC