Re: PROV-ISSUE-35: Section 4: How one would know that two BOBs are characterizations of the same entity? [Conceptual Model]

Entity is not part of the provenance Vocabulary. So I guess that what 
you (Jim) are suggesting is that the question of whether two BOBs refers 
to the same entity is outside the scope of the provenance vocabulary, 
did I understand correctly your suggestion?

Thanks, khalid

On 21/07/2011 21:11, Jim McCusker wrote:
> In the simple case, if a BOB refers to Entity A (for instance, as a
> URI), and another BOB also refers to Entity A, then the BOBs refer to
> the same Entity.
> The complex case, where we try to resolve the entities by examining
> the BOBs closely, I think is outside of the PIL, and can be determined
> by applications using whatever algorithms they think are important.
> Jim
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Khalid Belhajjame
> <>  wrote:
>> On 21/07/2011 20:20, Luc Moreau wrote:
>> Hi Khalid,
>> Can you expand on this? What would it help us to achieve?
>> At F2F1, some mentioned "turtle all way down" to refer to the idea that we
>> are not trying
>> to make a distinction between an entity and its state (as we used to say
>> then).
>> This would translate into the fact that we only have characterized entities
>> ...
>>    and are not trying to distinguish an entity from a characterized entity.
>> Can you explain what benefits you see in distinguishing entity from
>> characterized entity?
>> So, does it mean in the example, you would say that e1 is same entity as e2?
>> Potentially, this could be captured by (the very rough) definition of
>> version.
>> Yes, possibly, I actually first thought that "isRevisionOf" can be used, but
>> I think it poses stronger condition that what is needed by "sameEntity".
>> Regarding your question about the benefits. I think, having "sameEntity()"
>> can be used in the definition of IVPof:
>> Specifically, in page 10, it is stated that:
>> "An assertion "B is an IVP of A" holds over the temporal intersection of A
>> and B, only if:
>> if a mapping can be established from an attribute X of B to an attribute Y
>> of A, then the values of A and B must be consistent with that mapping
>> B has some attribute that A does not have"
>> I think, if "sameEntity" exists then it can be used as a third condition, to
>> make sure that A and B refers to the same entity, otherwise one cannot be an
>> IVPof the other.
>> Also, given a BOB bi, a user  may be interested in tracing the history of
>> all the BOBs that were used to derive b1 and that refer to the same entity.
>> In other words, the query here is give me the history of the entity that bi
>> refers to.
>> khalid
>> Luc
>> On 21/07/2011 20:06, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>> PROV-ISSUE-35: Section 4: How one would know that two BOBs are
>> characterizations of the same entity? [Conceptual Model]
>> Raised by: Khalid Belhajjame
>> On product: Conceptual Model
>> Do we need a mean to specify that two BOB are characterizations of the same
>> entity?
>> In the initial draft, I think that the editors intentionally avoided
>> defining the term "entity" as part of the vocabulary. I don't suggest
>> defining that term, but having a means by which one would know that two Bobs
>> are characterizations, possibly different, of the same entity, e.g., using
>> an assertion like "sameEntity(bob1, bob2)".
>> I think this will be useful, amongst other things, in the definition of
>> IVPof.
>> Khalid

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2011 21:07:43 UTC