
With the same apologies to Simon regarding the hijacking of his 
namespace, this is a thread to continue discussion on Simon and Jim's 
discussion on what IVP of would look like, given simon:entity.

I tried to add support for simon:entity, and suggested using TimBL's 
formulation of "dimensions of genericity" as a way to express what we've 
been calling "IVP of":

    We may may make statements about "dimensions of genericity." That is
    to say that a) in relation to the thing it identifies, an identifier
    can be generic with respect to a particular dimension, e.g., in
    relation to the real Halley's comet, the "Halley's comet" identifier
    is generic with respect to time and content-type; and b) one
    identified thing may be generic in relation to another identified
    thing with respect to zero or more dimensions.  TimBL talks about
    the relatively small number of dimensions of genericity for
    electronic resources, whereas we are interested in the infinite
    number of dimensions (i.e., all possible properties) over which
    identifiers and things in the world (not just electronic resources)
    may vary.  The idea of "dimensions of genericity" gives what I
    believe to be a nice formulation for what we've been trying to
    discuss as "IVP of."

I don't have a more structured proposal to make here, though I think one 
is not far off (perhaps after some sleep).


Received on Friday, 15 July 2011 06:13:49 UTC