Re: PROV-ISSUE-155 (prov-o-pre-fpwd): general comments on prov-o document [Formal Semantics]

>  hasQualifiedXXX
>    do we really need to make the term qualified explicit

The occurrence of "qualified" was more natural when the property was named as it was in the original proposal.


    a prov:Activity;

    prov:used :input;
    prov:qualifiedUsage [
       a prov:Usage;
       prov:qualifiedEntity   :input;
       prov:hadRole         io:input;

For some reason, the verb "qualified" (as in, "This activity qualified how this Entity was used") was not considered acceptable for the predicate name.

The "had" renaming was not a group decision.

I'm keeping my objections on the back burner in hopes of making progress on the actual modeling.


Received on Friday, 2 December 2011 22:17:06 UTC