RDFlib 5.0.0 released

Dear PROV group,

The Python RDF toolkit, RDFlib [1] beloved by many PROV developers, has just had a 5.0.0 stable release, the first in 3+ years! See the release notes listing many years of improvements. 

Another major release, 6.0.0, is planned for the next few months and that release will include new RDF features, back-end stores, JSON-LD 1.1 additions and, being Python 3.5+ only, speed improvements. If you have requirements, get involved in the development!

Also note there is quite a collection of additional RDF tools in the RDFlib family that might also be of interest. PROV-specific Python tools may be submitted to the group for inclusion.



[1] https://rdflib.dev

Dr Nicholas Car
Data Systems Architect
SURROUND Australia
0477 560 177

Received on Saturday, 25 April 2020 06:56:33 UTC