Re: Misleading label in prov-aq.ttl prov:has_query_service

Thank you Tim.

I have also asked the higher powers at W3C whether it is o.k. to change the licenses in the files; we can also take care of that at the same time.

You will also have to instruct me on what to do once I have pulled the new version onto my fork, because I forgot:-)



> On 7 Dec 2018, at 15:51, Tim rdf < <>> wrote:
> Yes I’ll recover my deployment process and take a look.
> Regards,
> Tim
> On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 01:19 Ivan Herman < <>> wrote:
> Wow, this is old…:-)
> I must admit the details are hazy. But the ontology files were maintained by Tim Lebo on a github repository:
> <>
> if and when he made an update then he had some magic to automatically generate the various owl files in different serializations. I have a forked repository:
> <>
> which seems to be slightly behind Tim's version, and which I then use to update the files on /ns.
> I am not sure Tim is still active in this. If yes, I hope he can take care of this and then we can go from there; if not, we will have to figure out how to proceed. 
> Note that the number of different prov related ontology files are /ns are large, and I am not sure how this came into the picture (see the attachment below). Hence my problem of trying to 'simply' edit this by hand.
> Cheers
> Ivan
>> On 7 Dec 2018, at 06:31, Paul Groth < <>> wrote:
>> Hi Stian
>> Good catch. Yes we should update the label to match the property name.
>> @ivan - I forgot the process? 
>> Thanks
>> Paul
>>> On 7 Dec 2018, at 02:41, Stian Soiland-Reyes < <>> wrote:
>>> PROV folks,
>>> In <> I found:
>>> prov:has_query_service
>>>   a owl:ObjectProperty ;
>>>   rdfs:comment "Indicates a provenance query service that can access provenance related to its subject or anchor resource."@en ;
>>>   rdfs:isDefinedBy < <>> ;
>>>   rdfs:label "hasProvenanceService" ;
>>>   :aq " <>/"^^xsd:anyURI ;
>>>   :category "access-and-query" ;
>>>   :inverse "provenanceQueryServiceOf" .
>>> So there's a mismatch between CURIE prov:has_query_service  and
>>> rdfs:label hasProvenanceService
>>> As this is in camelCase and looks like a namespace term, this might
>>> confuse people who load the ontology in OWL editors. 
>>> So which one is the winner?
>>> <>
>>> uses prov:has_query_service and the whole doc uses has_query_service 20
>>> times, while "hasProvenanceService" does not appear. 
>>> I think this is a remnant in the OWL file left behind after this change:
>>> <dt>2013-01-04 13:11 +0000 7b4580bd6d52 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Fix some section cross-references; rename 'prov:hasProvenanceService' as 'prov:hasQueryService'</dd>
>>> Should we update prov-aq.ttl (and *.rdf etc) to have correct rdfs:label
>>> "has_query_service"?
>>> -- 
>>> Stian Soiland-Reyes
>>> The University of Manchester
>>> <>
>>> <>
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C 
> Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
> Home: <>
> mobile: +31-641044153
> ORCID ID: <>
> <Screen Shot 2018-12-07 at 07.16.29.png>
> -- 
> Timothy Lebo
> <> a foaf:Person.

Ivan Herman, W3C 
Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
Home: <>
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Friday, 7 December 2018 15:01:59 UTC