Invitation: Workshop on Human-Centred Data Management and the role of provenance -- post-SIGMOD, Sydney June 9th, 2015

Greetings everybody,

Alan Fekete and Judy Kay at the University of Sydney are organising a workshop as described below. The provenance community will be interested as the use of provenance metadata will be discussed as one of the enablers for human-centred data management.
The workshop takes place on the back of the SIGMOD conference, which will have happened the week before in Melbourne, but it’s open to anybody by free registration.

Keep reading if interested!

-Paolo Missier

A discussion-oriented workshop will be held in Sydney, Australia on Tuesday 9 June 2015. Our focus is on human-centred data management, which encompasses both the management of data about people, and how people interact with data. Of course, we are especially excited about looking at how people interact with data about people! Among many topics of importance, we will be looking at privacy and access control for personal data, making usable interfaces for querying or tracking data, understanding provenance metadata, empirical studies of how data is used, etc.

At the workshop, keynote talks will be given by Elisa Bertino (Purdue) and Paolo Missier (Newcastle UK). We welcome participation from researchers across different communities, including data management, provenance, privacy and security, HCI, and pervasive computing. The workshop will aim for extensive discussion and interaction; we will not be publishing traditional papers. We expect talks of many kinds including talks that summarise a body of work, suggest a vision, raise questions, define benchmarks, or discuss alternative approaches.

Attendance is free but requires registration: so if you wish to participate, please send an email to the organiser Alan Fekete (Sydney) at<>. If you wish to present, indicate the title of your proposed talk, and what kind it falls into.

This workshop is supported by funding from the Faculty of Engineering & Information Technologies, The University of Sydney, under the Faculty Research Cluster Program.

Received on Monday, 11 May 2015 11:02:43 UTC