Re: PROV-O in LOV : URI, namespace and versions

Timothy Lebo wrote:
> Hi, Bernard,
> I'm cc'ing the prov comments list to archive your comments.
> @PROV-WG, I might need help refreshing on our provenance-of-provenance design to
> fulfill Bernard's needs)
> @Ivan, we have a 404 on but it needs to be
> there like is)

Is there a misspelling somewhere? There is a

(and not a 2012....)


> @PROV-WG-chairs, are we still able to (or should we) use the tracker?
> I respond within...
> On Jun 17, 2013, at 9:32 AM, Bernard Vatant <
> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Tim and Daniel
>> I updated today the LOV record for PROV-O [1]. Actually this should have been
>> done well before, but the new version(s) had not been captured by the LOV-Bot,
>> due mainly to a confusing (for me and the LOV-Bot at least) namespaces and URI
>> policy.
>> I have several issues with this (important) vocabulary.
> Thanks for reporting your challenges with consuming the PROV namespace. If PROV
> doesn't suit LOV, then it's a clear indicator that we aren't following common
> practice.
> I hope we can clear up the issues, either on your side or on ours.
> I've started a section on the semweb wiki to document your questions and their
> answers:
>> As I write in the vocabulary "review" : " Note that the namespace of the
>> vocabulary is, but its URI is
>> But the RDF file declares
>> <> a owl:Ontology, which seems confusing at least."
> yes, the namespace of the vocabulary is
> and are owl:Ontologies.
> From the comment itself, I'm not sure what is confusing. Could you elaborate?
> (or, do the following three cover your concerns?)
>> ... In more details :
>> 1. The namespace does not dereference to the
>> ontology, but to a general documentation page about various documents using
>> the namespace, including the ontology itself. 
> Yes.
>> How am I supposed to GET the RDF description of e.g.,
>>, from the namespace URI?
> In short, use content negotiation.
> curl -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" -L
>> 2. In the RDF at I read 
>> <> a owl:Ontology
>> one should expect  <> a owl:Ontology seems to me …
> There are two instances of owl:Ontology, at lines:
>   30 <>
>   31     a owl:Ontology .
> 1237 <>
> 1238     a owl:Ontology ;
> Could you explain why you would expect to be a
> owl:Ontology?
> As it stands, provides the resource representation
> of the owl:Ontology <>
>> 3. The previous versions (Candidate Recommandation and Proposed
>> Recommendation) are available as HTML documentation, but the respective RDF
>> versions are not available. 
>> The link to the OWL version redirects to the current version.
> Yes, to restate: points
> to in "The OWL encoding of the PROV Ontology is
> available here <>."?
> The RDF representations for those versions are sitting around, so if you could
> describe in more detail how you'd like to be able to access them, perhaps we can
> update the provenance-of-provenance to 
> suit your use case.
> From within,  the owl:versionIRI and
> prov:wasDerivedFrom are intended to provide access to the previous versions.
> But, I'm seeing a 404! :-)
> <>
>     a owl:Ontology ;
>     rdfs:comment """This document is published by the Provenance Working Group
> ( 
> If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to
> <> (subscribe
> <>, archives
> omments/). All feedback is welcome."""@en ;
>     rdfs:label "W3C PROVenance Interchange Ontology (PROV-O)"@en ;
>     rdfs:seeAlso <>, <> ;
>     owl:versionIRI <> ;
>     owl:versionInfo "Recommendation version 2013-04-30"@en ;
>     :specializationOf <> ;
>     :wasRevisionOf <> .
> Thanks again for your comments. I hope that we can iron out some of the wrinkles
> that you ran into.
> Regards,
> Tim Lebo
>> Thanks for any clarification. I understand that since we deal now with a W3C
>> Recommandation, if anything needs to be fixed, the process is likely to be long :)
>> Best regards
>> [1]
>> *Bernard Vatant
>> *
>> Vocabularies & Data Engineering
>> Tel :  + 33 (0)9 71 48 84 59
>> Skype : bernard.vatant
>> Blog : the wheel and the hub <>
>> Linked Open Vocabularies : <>
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Ivan Herman, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 09:13:13 UTC