- From: Ralph TQ [Gmail] <rhodgson@topquadrant.com>
- Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 01:07:55 -0800
- To: Timothy Lebo <lebot@rpi.edu>
- Cc: public-prov-comments@w3.org
- Message-Id: <0BE979A8-FC15-4322-B922-9FDBE1306995@topquadrant.com>
Tim, Possibly, there is still an issue to address. The property 'prov:wasInfluencedBy', while being less constrained by domain and range, is an owl:ObjectProperty. Often when citing influences an xsd:anyURI datatype can be used. If 'prov:wasInfluencedBy' was of type rdf:Property it could serve both as a reference to one of its current range classes or to an xsd:anyURI (by extending the union construct to include xsd:anyURI). An example from QUDT, unit:MOHM, might help. This shows a 'prov:wasInfluencedBy' reference to the Oxford Reference library (last line). Placing angle brackets around the URL makes it a resource. I can live with this but having the ability to simply assign a URL string would help avoid some special handling that needs to be done with the QUDT models. For example the generators of the NASA QUDT Handbook use OWL to LaTeX to PDF transformers that currently need to decide when a resource mentioned using prov:wasInfluencedBy is a URL as opposed to a URI. unit:MOHM a qudt:CGS-Unit , qudt:AcousticsUnit ; rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/acoustics> ; rdfs:label "Mohm"^^xsd:string ; qudt:description "A unit of mechanical mobility for sound waves, being the reciprocal of the mechanical ohm unit of impedance, i.e., for an acoustic medium, the ratio of the flux or volumic speed (area times particle speed) of the resulting waves through it to the effective sound pressure (i.e. force) causing them, the unit being qualified, according to the units used, as m.k.s. or c.g.s. The mechanical ohm is equivalent to $1 dyn\\cdot s\\cdot cm^{-1}$ or $10^{-3} N\\cdot s\\cdot m^{-1}$."^^xsd:string ; qudt:latexDefinition "\\SI{1}{mohm_{m.k.s}} = \\SI{1}{m.N^{-1}.s^{-1}}, (\\si{s.kg^{-1}} in base m.k.s. terms)"^^xsd:string , "\\SI{1}{mohm_{c.g.s}} = \\SI{1}{cm.dyn^{-1}.s^{-1}}, (\\SI{e3}{km.N^{-1}.s^{-1}} in base c.g.s terms)"^^xsd:string ; qudt:quantityKind quantity:MechanicalMobility ; prov:wasInfluencedBy <http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198605225.001.0001/acref-9780198605225-e-914> . Ralph Hodgson, @ralphtq Mobile Phone: +1 781-789-1664 CTO, TopQuadrant, @TopQuadrant On Nov 19, 2012, at 10:06 AM, Timothy Lebo <lebot@rpi.edu> wrote: > Ralph, > > Thanks again for your feedback regarding the PROV-O ontology. > To help avoid confusion for future readers, we've added comments on the Influence class hierarchy and the wasInfluencedBy property hierarchy within both the OWL and HTML documents. These comments encourage the use of more specific forms of the relation. As you pointed out, you shifted to using "wasInfluencedBy" instead of "wasInformedBy" to avoid "incorrect" domain/range inferences. The WG hopes that the comments would have lead you to use wasDerivedFrom based on the domain and ranges that your use cases required. > > A summary of our response is listed at > > http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ResponsesToPublicComments#ISSUE-592_.28wasInformedBy_confusing_with_wasInfluencedBy.29 > > Does this help address your concern? > > Regards, > Tim > > On Nov 2, 2012, at 1:03 PM, Ralph TQ [Gmail] <rhodgson@topquadrant.com> wrote: > >> PROVO-O properties prov:wasInfluencedBy and prov:wasInformedBy are easily confused. We notice this when we are describing what has 'informed' what in descriptions and other assertions in QUDT. >> >> The diagram below, from TopBraid, shows the schema associated with these properties. prov:wasInformedBy has a restricted domain and range over its super-property prov:wasInfluencedBy. Perhaps the rationale for this is somewhere in the working group postings? >> >> <Screen Shot 2012-11-02 at 9.59.31 AM.png> >> Ralph Hodgson, @ralphtq >> >> CTO, TopQuadrant, @TopQuadrant >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >
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