Re: PROV-O editorial issue: hadOriginalSource

Dear Tom, the issue is addressed to my satisfaction.
Thank you,

On 2 Nov 2012, at 09:58, Tom De Nies wrote:

> Hello Jacek,
> The Working Group has corrected the issue you pointed out. You can find the details of our response here:
> For the W3C process, it would be nice to get an acknowledgement from you that this addresses your concern.
> Again, thanks for your response and your interest in PROV.
> Best regards,
> Tom De Nies
> 2012/8/9 Tom De Nies <>
> Hello Jacek,
> Thanks for your comment, and clearly, your attentive reading of the documents!
> We've created ISSUE-476 for this
> You are correct in noticing that hadOriginalSource has been changed, and more specifically, to primary source:
> Judging from a quick search, I think the term only still occurs a few times in PROV-O, am I correct? (PROV-DM and PROV-N don't seem to mention it anymore)
> We'll handle your comment on our internal mailing list from here on, as not to swamp you with emails.
> You can always visit the issue URL above to check on our progress.
> Thanks again!
> Best regards,
> Tom
> 2012/8/9 Jacek Kopecky <>
> Dear Prov WG,
> I spotted that in the LC drafts, hadOriginalSource seems to have been removed or renamed (could't quickly find a change log that would say which), but it still occurs in the document(s) here and there.
> May all your issues in LC be editorial like this,
> Jacek Kopecky
> --
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Received on Friday, 2 November 2012 10:48:13 UTC