- From: Ashok Malhotra <ashok.malhotra@oracle.com>
- Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:01:04 -0500
- To: public-propertygraphs@w3.org
- Message-ID: <529E1C60.6070602@oracle.com>
Minutes from Dec 3 Property Graphs CG Telcon [12:04] <Ashok> present:Zhe, Ivan, Gregg, Patrick, Michael, Ashok [12:04] <zwu2> I can scribe [12:04] <Ashok> scribenick:zwu2 [12:05] <zwu2> Topic: review meeting minutes [12:06] <Ashok> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-propertygraphs/2013Nov/0019.html [12:06] <zwu2> any objection to approval? [12:06] <zwu2> Ashok: meeting minutes from Nov 19 approved [12:07] <zwu2> Ashok: a new member [12:07] <@ivan> Norbert Martinez [12:07] <zwu2> ... Norbert has nominated a colleague Rachel [12:08] <zwu2> ... Rachel may join next week [12:08] <zwu2> Ashok, today, let's discuss the use cases in the wiki [12:08] <Ashok> http://www.w3.org/community/propertygraphs/wiki/Usecases [12:09] <zwu2> ... have 9 bullets now [12:09] <zwu2> ... each of them is a graph algorithm [12:10] <zwu2> ... first one is clustering, two use cases there. 1) clustering from Zhe [12:11] <zwu2> ... 2) second use case in the social area [12:11] <zwu2> ... goal is to find experts [12:11] <zwu2> ... a Boeing presentationhttp://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/presentations/boyet.pdf [12:12] <zwu2> ... second bullet Vertex ranking [12:15] <zwu2> ... Embeddedness from Facebook, social networks [12:15] <zwu2> ... they tell you your friends, who you are connected to [12:16] <zwu2> ... and the people your friends are connected to [12:16] <zwu2> ... Dispersion: predict whether a relationship is going to be long or short [12:17] <zwu2> ... Page rank [12:17] <zwu2> ... Shortest path. Patrick thought of this use case [12:17] <zwu2> ... I don't quite understand it. [12:17] <zwu2> ... would be great to elaborate on this a bit more [12:18] <zwu2> Patrick: will do that [12:18] <zwu2> Ashok: Michael's usecases [12:18] <zwu2> ... E-commerce. should not be a bullet here because it is not an algorithm [12:18] <zwu2> ... put in there so that we can talk about Michael's use case [12:19] <zwu2> Michael: a use case for property graphs [12:19] <zwu2> Ashok: we should classify by algorithms [12:20] <zwu2> Michael: I can find some examples and algorithms. For big companies, most of the algoirthms can fit in their usage scenarios [12:20] <zwu2> Ashok: classifying by algorithms is clearer [12:20] <zwu2> Michael: will do and send out this week [12:21] <zwu2> ... want to extend the E-commerce usecase, right? [12:21] <zwu2> Ashok: those are the use cases we have [12:22] <zwu2> ... got this nice paper from R. Martinez [12:22] <zwu2> ... turns out there is a Linked Data Benchmark Council [12:22] <Ashok> Paper from Norbert Martinez http://ldbc.eu/sites/default/files/LDBC_D3.3.1.pdf [12:23] <zwu2> ... please look at it [12:23] <zwu2> ... talks about different graph models [12:23] <zwu2> ... and different graphs (sparsely connected, strongly connected, clusters...) [12:24] <zwu2> ... also talks about algorithms, languages that exist to query graphs, [12:24] <zwu2> ... and a bunch of use cases [12:24] <zwu2> ... very relevant to what we are doing here [12:24] <zwu2> ... one thing is that all the graph languages are imperative [12:25] <zwu2> ... no declarative graph language [12:25] <zwu2> ... possibly has something that we can add to the wiki [12:26] <zwu2> Michael: many implementations on graphs, languages, and they are targeting at specific use cases [12:26] <zwu2> Ashok, yes, they are not general purpose [12:29] <zwu2> ivan: looks like the paper does not even talk about RDF, SPARQL [12:29] <zwu2> ... my first impression by scanning through the paper [12:30] <zwu2> Ashok: Greg has mentioned that we can extend RDF [12:30] <zwu2> Greg: I sent this to the SW interest group [12:30] <zwu2> ... Andy followed up on that with a couple of research paper [12:31] <zwu2> ... use subProperty + bNodes to allow attributes on links [12:31] <zwu2> ... ivan said it may be a bit premature [12:31] <zwu2> ... bNode properties in JSON LD [12:32] <zwu2> Ashok, once we start a standards effort, then it becomes critical [12:32] <zwu2> Greg: I think serialization format is important, we may repurpose JSON LD [12:33] <zwu2> ... JSON LD does not promote RDF [12:33] <zwu2> Ashok: it may be helpful politically [12:34] <zwu2> Ashok: a question for ivan. [12:34] <zwu2> ... we have been collecting use cases [12:34] <zwu2> ... haven't really thought about direction [12:34] <zwu2> ... if we want to argue that PG WG should be started, what kind of further arguments do we have to make [12:35] <zwu2> ivan: two things: 1) it is still not clear to me based on the use cases, what kind of conclusions do you want to draw? [12:35] <zwu2> ... what exactly do you want to put in the standard. In other words, what are the charters? [12:35] <zwu2> ... It should be much clearer. 2) more social, [12:36] <zwu2> ... a problem to me that in this CG we could not get many of the people from PG community [12:36] <zwu2> ... Norbert is the only person as I know [12:36] <zwu2> ... we are potentially getting into a social mine field, [12:36] <zwu2> ... need consensus from major players [12:37] <zwu2> ... at the end of the day, it is not my decision [12:37] <zwu2> Ashok: we also had Danny Bickson who is one of the founders of GraphLab [12:38] <zwu2> ... which is part of the graph community [12:38] <zwu2> ... not sure if we can get others [12:38] <zwu2> ivan: talked to many, unable to convince some folks, I am a bit stuck [12:39] <zwu2> ... at the social web workshop [12:39] <zwu2> ... a work at W3C that may lead to social web WG [12:40] <zwu2> ... not talking about standardization across FB, GOOG, LinkedIn [12:40] <zwu2> ... those players should be represented here or they should be aware of what is going on here [12:41] <zwu2> Ashok: it occurred me just now. Suppose we put three bullets in charter [12:41] <zwu2> ... 1) standardize PG [12:41] <zwu2> ... 3) declarative query language [12:41] <zwu2> ... 2) algorithms [12:42] <zwu2> ... do you think these can be used to attract people to this community [12:42] <zwu2> ivan: technically, I think more or less the same way. Maybe 4) Relate to Web protocols as we did with SPARQL [12:45] <zwu2> Ashok, if you look at the URL Norbert sent us [12:45] <zwu2> ... all of the significant graph players are relevant [12:45] <zwu2> ... maybe we can speak with them [12:46] <Ashok>http://ldbc.eu/results/deliverables [12:48] <@ivan> NuvolaBas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [12:48] <zwu2> ivan: talked to Oracle, [12:48] <@ivan> Aurelius/TinkerPop [12:49] <@ivan> Neo Technology [12:49] <@ivan> Objectivity [12:50] <zwu2> ivan: If you get all these lined up plus the partners Harry collects, that it is a much better case [12:51] <zwu2> ... the person to convince is Jeff [12:51] <zwu2> Ashok, will contact Harry and Norbert for advice [12:52] <zwu2> Topic: any other business? [12:53] <zwu2> bye [12:53] <mpetyx> bye -- All the best, Ashok
Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2013 18:02:32 UTC