Re: APA Charter and the Pronunciation TF

Hi Paul, All:

Sorry for my slow response ... I'm resending this email to get Paul's
and my thoughts into our archives, and to get the wider group engaged in
the conversation!

About the deliverables we need to reference in the new APA Charter, but
also about the one-sentence description of the purpose of Spoken
Presentation work:

I want to work on phrases that could go into the full description
We say predictable. I suspect that's in contrast to taking a chance with
heuristics. So far I don't see our drafts saying that heuristics are a
crap-shoot! I think we need a not so in your face way of saying that ...

I'm mulling something like:

use of SSML and PLS markup
to define precise pronunciation across environments when content
authors need certainty as opposed to cross-platform  heuristic variability

The above could say "predictability" instead of "certainty," but I
wanted to test this on you for general direction.

thoughts about saying something about why heuristics are insufficient?


Paul Grenier writes:
> 11:29 <PaulG> possible: "This specification will provide for
> author-controlled pronunciation of HTML content when using text to speech
> (TTS) including assistive technology (AT). This would allow for precise
> pronunciation support for the aural user experience beyond what heuristics
> can provide because it lacks understanding of the author intent."
> 11:33 <PaulG> possible: "This specification will provide for
> author-controlled pronunciation of HTML content when using text to speech
> (TTS) technologies, including assistive technology (AT). This would allow
> for precise pronunciation support for the aural user experience beyond what
> heuristics can provide because it lacks understanding of the author intent."
> 11:35 <PaulG> possible: "This specification will provide for
> author-controlled pronunciation of HTML content when using text to speech
> (TTS) technologies, including assistive technology (AT). This would allow
> for precise pronunciation support for the aural user experience when the
> author has a specific intent in mind that would not be supported by
> heuristics."
> *--*
> *Paul Grenier*
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 5:53???AM Janina Sajka <> wrote:
> > Hi Paul:
> >
> > I see the announcement of today's meeting. I will try to join, but I
> > will be at least 10-20 minutes late as I'll be out and about and
> > scrounging a location to call in from.
> >
> > Please, can we consider the deliverable description in the current APA
> > Charter here:
> >
> >
> >
> > What needs to change -- Or is it OK as is?
> >
> > What you see there is text from our current Charter, even though this is
> > the github for edits to our next Charter.
> >
> > Best,
> > Janina
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
> > Accessibility Consultant
> >
> > The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> > Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures
> >
> > Linux Foundation Fellow
> >
> >
> >


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Monday, 3 March 2025 13:53:12 UTC