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public-pronunciation@w3.org from March 2022
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Tuesday, 1 March 2022 14:59:21 UTC,
Wednesday, 30 March 2022 16:57:47 UTC
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Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Wednesday, 30 March)
Minutes: Special Teleconference: Introduction for WAI groups to a proposed Legal Entity (LE) for W3C
Janina Sajka
(Wednesday, 30 March)
Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Tuesday, 29 March)
Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Wednesday, 23 March)
pronunciation-tf-ACTION-39: Invite people to talk about accessibility for children
Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Issue Tracker
(Wednesday, 23 March)
Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Tuesday, 22 March)
Re: Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
Janina Sajka
(Wednesday, 23 March)
Re: Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
Sam Kanta
(Wednesday, 23 March)
Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Wednesday, 9 March)
pronunciation-tf-ACTION-38: Followup with i18n an a more appropriate spec for tts designations (re: rfc5646)
Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Issue Tracker
(Wednesday, 9 March)
Event Invitation: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Tuesday, 8 March)
Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Tuesday, 8 March)
REMINDER: Introduction for WAI groups to a proposed Legal Entity (LE) for W3C
Janina Sajka
(Tuesday, 8 March)
Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Wednesday, 2 March)
Event Updated: APA Pronunciation TF
W3C Calendar
(Wednesday, 2 March)
Special Teleconference: Introduction for WAI groups to a proposed Legal Entity (LE) for W3C
Janina Sajka
(Tuesday, 1 March)
Last message date
: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 16:57:47 UTC