RE: [EXTERNAL] W3C Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference, Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Hi Pronunciation Task Force Team,

The meeting notes for Wednesday, March 18th are provided below and at

Stay Healthy!

Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference
18 Mar 2020
Irfan, Roy, Christine, PaulB, Dee, SteveNoble, janina, mhakkinen, paul_grenier, JF

  *   Topics<>
     *   Pronunciation publications announcements scheduling<>
     *   CSS speech module and SSML<>
     *   next step after documents publications<>
     *   other businesses<>
  *   Summary of Action Items<>
  *   Summary of Resolutions<>


Pronunciation publications announcements scheduling
Irfan: Roy has sent email but we can't view portal for announcement

Roy: Announcement is in the Wiki page, it will be posted to website news; we can follow-up for status
Janina: hopefully soon our announcement will be posted as we are probably cued up; typically takes 5 days
... you will be able to see it on
CSS speech module and SSML
Irfan: Last week we were surprised to see this document; subsequent conversations revealed that Leonie Watson may be editing this document
Roy: CSS working group discussed specifications and that Leonie was interested in this document; can we get more details from APA working group
Janina: All news to me
Irfan: Will we revise this document? Is any vendor driving this?
John: Rather than trying to guess on what is happening, let's invite her to discuss
Janina: this may only be a rumor, let's not jump to any conclusions. Let's verify first before we take any actions
... The document was originally published in 2012, then retired in 2015? And now it appeared in CSS last week. This came as a surprise for everyone. Will plan on bringing this up in the coordination call
... Verify info first and then we will proceed accordingly.
... This managed to by pass certain requirements and hurdles; supports our gap analysis which we can add to our draft, if needed.
Irfan: Will ask Leonie Watson on the APA call
<paul_grenier> (topic of discussion:
Paul: Do we need to go back to gap analysis to edit?
Janina: Mark reviewed and determined that we don't need to make any edits, at this time, as there are no substantive differences
<Irfan> to check the difference -

Paul: I think the analysis stands, and won't need any updates until and if we see the review comments
Should we reference the CSS document in our analysis
Janina: We should wait until we get the feedback and then we can reference after we have closed the time for reviews/feedback.
Irfan: Should someone join the CSS working group?
Janina: Yes, we are definitely interested in doing that, so that we can track and stay on top
next step after documents publications
Irfan: How to proceed further; what's next?
Janina: The announcements to come out and then we circulate to our communities. Then we look for comments and deal with them formally. The other path is that we all go to the web incubator community group and present our specifications
Irfan: One of teh vendors have already implemented our approach, should we include this
Janina: Not sure if we add this to the specifications; we need to do outreach with web incubator community group; we will eventually need implementation for each normative feature
Irfan: How can we get involved?
Janina: after announcements go out, we individually join the WICG (web incubation community group)
... start socializing it with WICG, but only after the announcement
... we continue to meet as normal, but we socialize our approach thru participation in WICG

See URL posted above by Roy

other businesses
Irfan: Any other business for all to report?
Janina: we are in a holding pattern

Summary of Action Items
Summary of Resolutions
[End of minutes]

Christine K. Loew, Director
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From: Ali, Irfan <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 8:50 PM
To: Pronunciation Task Force <>; Paul Grenier <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] W3C Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference, Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2020-18-03

Call Agenda

If you would like to add an item to the agenda please send reply to this mail.

Agenda+ Pronunciation publications announcements scheduling
agenda+ CSS speech module<> and SSML
agenda+ next step after document publications

Agenda+ Other Businesses

Previous Meeting Minutes<>

This teleconference is scheduled every Wednesdays at 10:00 until 11:00 AM Boston time.

Chair: Irfan Ali

Scribe: TBD
IRC:<>: #pronunciation

Call Details:

To join the audio conference only:

US Toll Number: +1-617-324-0000
Access code: 643 546 488
Mobile Auto Dial:+1-617-324-0000,,, 643546488#

Call-in information for Pronunciation TF meeting<>

* IRC discussion on the #pronunciation IRC channel, used largely for minute-taking;


Resources and useful links

* <Pronunciation Explainer Document> <>

* <Pronunciation Gap Analysis & Use Case document page><>
* Pronunciation User Scenarios document page  <>

* Our Home Page<>

* Teleconferences information<> (also see meeting minutes)

* mailing list archives <>

* Wiki<>
* pronunciation source repository issue tracker<> .

Irfan Ali
Principal Research System Specialist
Accessibility Standards & Inclusive Technology Group (ASIT)
C-130, 660 Rosedale Road
Princeton, NJ 08541
Phone: (O)609-524-8181

Facilitator- Pronunciation Task Force :<>


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Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2020 14:41:16 UTC