Meeting Minutes: W3C Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference, Wednesday, July 15

Hi All,

The meeting minutes for July 15, 2020, can be accessed via the following link: In addition, the full text of the minutes follows my signature.

Dee Dyer
Assessment Process Specialist, Accessibility and Alternate Formats
Technology, Accessibility, and Innovation
ETS | Assessment and Learning Technology Development
Princeton, NJ | N-137-C | office: 609-683-2127


Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference
15 Jul 2020
Irfan, paul_grenier, Roy, janina, SteveNoble_, NeilS, Dee, JF

  *   Topics<>
     *   stakeholders meeting<>
     *   Other Business<>
  *   Summary of Action Items<>
  *   Summary of Resolutions<>


<JF> preseent+

stakeholders meeting

Irfan: identified stakeholders and sent email

Janina: did not receive many replies, but they are substantive
... will follow up with email for proposed dates
... suggest sending follow up email to those who did not respond

JF: posed SSML question to W3C aria working group

Agreement that we can hold meeting twice if need be.

Janina: need a good scribe for the meetings
... will propose recording meeting and using generated transcripts/notes from Zoom

Agreement to use the transcripts to augment the meeting minutes

Dee will scribe.

Agreement to present problem statement and then the 2 approaches (inline and attribute) at the beginning of the meeting.

Plan: Janina will introduce. One or two people will address the approaches (pros and cons). Mark will discuss with Paul.

Other Business


Paul: Linked In now has a feature to inform the pronunciation of your name.

Just lost connection

restarted and back in

Janina: TPAC cross group meetings 12-16 of October.
... need to plan for this
... There will be a week's break and then a week for plenary and breakout sessions, 26 - 30 of October

trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items
Summary of Resolutions
[End of minutes]
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl<> version (CVS log<>)
$Date: 2020/07/15 14:45:41 $

From: Ali, Irfan <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 8:52 PM
Subject: Agenda: W3C Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference, Wednesday, July 15

Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference - 2020-15-07

Call Agenda
If you would like to add an item to the agenda please send reply to this mail.

Agenda+ stakeholders meeting

Agenda+ Other Business

Call Details
You can find this by clicking through to the secured page below - meeting info on w3c’s website<>

Previous Meeting Minutes<>

Channel: #pronunciation

Additional Logistics<>

Resources and useful links

* <Pronunciation Explainer Document> <>

* <Pronunciation Gap Analysis & Use Case document page><>
* Pronunciation User Scenarios document page  <>

* Our Home Page<>

* Teleconferences information<> (also see meeting minutes)

* mailing list archives <>

* Wiki<>
* pronunciation source repository issue tracker<> .

Irfan Ali
Principal Research System Specialist
Accessibility Standards & Inclusive Technology Group (ASIT)
C-130, 660 Rosedale Road
Princeton, NJ 08541
Phone: (O)609-524-8181

Chair, Pronunciation Task Force :<>


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Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 14:51:48 UTC