Re: Privacy CG telcon this Thursday, 12 November

Hi Tes,
Thanks for sending this out. Hope you're well!

I have a conflict this week, but am going to try to start attending. Do I
have it right that you meet every other Thursday at 9am?

Boaz Sender

On Tue, Nov 10, 2020, 1:35 PM Theresa O'Connor <> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> The Privacy CG will be meeting this Thursday, 12 November 2020.
> Privacy CG calls are at noon Boston time (EST). Noon EST translates to:
> | Time         | Day    | Location      |
> | ------------ | ------ | ------------- |
> | 02:00        | 13 Fri | Tokyo         |
> | 04:00        | 13 Fri | Sydney        |
> | 09:00        | 12 Thu | San Francisco |
> | 12:00 (noon) | 12 Thu | Boston        |
> | 17:00 (5 PM) | 12 Thu | London        |
> | 18:00 (6 PM) | 12 Thu | Brussels      |
> We conduct our telcons over Zoom.
>   * Native client:
>   * Web client:
> Minutes will be taken in this Google Doc:
>   *
> Our agenda:
> * F2F survey results
> * IsLoggedIn
>   * Support for federated logins, or the ability to transfer IsLoggedIn
>   * Supporting display name and avoiding misuse of them
> * Private Click Measurement
>   * Define structure of JSON used for conversion reports
>   * Send report to both click source and destination
>   * Require description of the click content and if it is an ad,
> information on who purchased it
> * First-Party Sets
>   * First-Party Sets naming
> * Proposals
>   * Standardizing Do Not Sell
> * Any other business

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 22:29:42 UTC