Privacy CG Virtual F2F on the 13th & 14th of May

Hi all,

We'll be having the inaugural F2F of the Privacy CG on the 13th & 14th
of May.

This will be a virtual F2F, of course, given the global situation.

All of the details are published in our meetings repo here:

and I've repeated them below for your convenience.

## Agenda

Anyone can request that specific issues or PRs be added to the F2F
agenda by adding the agenda+F2F label to the issue or PR.

## When

The meeting will be held on 13–14 May from 15:00 to 19:00 UTC.
Those times look like this in common time zones:

| Start                     | End          | Location      |
| ------------------------- | ------------ | ------------- |
| 00:00 (Midnight next day) | 04:00        | Tokyo         |
| 01:00 (next day)          | 05:00        | Sydney        |
| 08:00                     | 11:00        | San Francisco |
| 11:00                     | 15:00 (3 PM) | Boston        |
| 16:00 (4 PM)              | 20:00 (8 PM) | London        |
| 17:00 (5 PM)              | 21:00 (9 PM) | Brussels      |

## How

We'll use the same Cryptpad and Zoom details as all of our other

Received on Saturday, 18 April 2020 00:01:11 UTC