Hi all,
Note also that most of the implementation things the PRIME project wants
to achieve go into that direction:
I'm not the best person to tell you which part of PRIME is helping you,
but maybe we can put you in contact.
And thanks Sören for giving the hint. There is a long history behind
storing P3P data as preferences into databases, but there are many
technical and semantic traps. IBM has also done some work with EPAL.
You can still find that on the site of the Zurich research center.
On Thursday 01 February 2007 22:15, Sören Preibusch wrote:
> Hello Christophe,
> a more technical Paper on integrating P3P privacy policies with
> databases is
> LeFevre, K., Agrawal, R., Ercegovac, V., Ramakrishnan, R., Xu, Y.,
> and DeWitt, D.J. Limiting disclosure in hippocratic databases. In
> Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large
> Data Bases (VLDB 2004), Morgang Kaufmann, pp. 108-119, 2004.