no meeting this Thursday, 16 November; next meeting 7 December

Privacy folks,

No meeting tomorrow, Thursday, November 16th. (Agenda items that worked for
synchronous discussion were light this time.)

Asynchronous work can and should continue, however. In particular:

# user considerations for credentials

I've started to elaborate on the user considerations document for
credentials. Issues or text suggestions are welcome, both for identifying
questions to ask and for documenting principles to address those concerns.

# privacy working group charter

Strategic and horizontal review of the Privacy WG charter draft has
identified a handful of issues / open items to be resolved in the WG
charter text.

If you have comments on groups to liaise with or timelines for
deliverables, please add as comments to those issues.

# privacy reviews

Thanks, Kyle, for reviewing the Verifiable Credentials JOSE / COSE specs.
Feel free to look through his notes and add any comments.


For those of you who celebrate the American holiday of Thanksgiving, enjoy!
I personally feel a lot to be thankful for, including our collaborative
working community, and will be holding my family close.

We will meet next on Thursday, December 7th.

Nick, for the PING co-chairs

Nick Doty |
Senior Technologist
Center for Democracy & Technology |

Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2023 16:37:46 UTC