PING at TPAC 2023 - call for agenda items

PING folks,

We are preparing an agenda for items we should discuss at the upcoming
TPAC, as mentioned at our last PING meeting. We have a 90-minute
session scheduled during the Tuesday of TPAC week. Some will be in
person in Seville, Spain; others of us will be calling in.

Meeting schedule and details:
12 September 2023, 17:00–18:30 Central European Summer Time

Feel free to add suggested agenda items to this github issue:
I've started that off by adding as comments the items I've heard
specifically requested so far.

Discussion is also welcome here, if you'd prefer, or if you don't have
easy GitHub access.

Some items may work better as breakout sessions (all day Wednesday of
TPAC), or as items that are best discussed directly with Working
Groups in their scheduled meetings. We will try to summarize the
relevant breakouts here so that we can help organize our time that
week. Both the Privacy Working Group charter (and the future of
privacy-specific standards at W3C) and the presentation of identity
credentials/age verification, for example, are broad topics that might
benefit from some cross-W3C discussion.

TPAC breakouts are being organized here:

Finally, please register for the TPAC meeting if you haven't already.
Fees for in-person participation increase after the end of August. Fee
waivers are available for attendees for whom the fee would be a
barrier to participation.

Nick, on behalf of the PING co-chairs (Christine, Pete, Nick)

Nick Doty |
Senior Fellow, Internet Architecture
Center for Democracy & Technology |

Received on Thursday, 24 August 2023 22:55:14 UTC